How to Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency

You can help protect your child from the effects of rickets by understanding their risk for vitamin D deficiency and taking steps to prevent it.

Look at our chart for recommended amounts specific to your child's age:
Here are some some common sources of vitamin D that can increase intake:
1. National Institute of Health (June 2014). Vitamin D Factsheet for Health Professionals. Retrieved from:
2. U.S. National Library of Medicine (April 2015). MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia:Rickets. Retrieved from:
3. Mayo Clinic (1998-2015). Diseases and Conditions: Rickets. Retrieved from:

Sources of Vitamin D

There are not many natural food sources of vitamin D, but here are some foods that you can include vitamin D into your child's diet:
  • Oily fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon, tuna and herring)
  • Liver
  • Egg Yolks
  • Fortified Foods (foods with vitamin D added) such as milk, some orange juices, margarines, cereals, yogurt, and baby formula
  • Some mushrooms also contain a form of vitamin D
  • Supplements - consult with your child's doctor or a registered dietitian about whether your child might need supplements
Having a sensible balance of sunlight exposure provides an abundant source of vitamin D for your child:
  • The recommended amount of sunlight each day ranges from 10 -30 minutes with exposure before 10am and after 3pm each day (from September to April) and two to three hours of sunlight exposure over the week (May to August). 
  • During peak UV hours, protect your child's skin with clothing, sunscreen, shade, and/or sunscreen.

top left: fortified orange juice, top right: egg yolk

bottom left: salmon, bottom right: fortified cereal

4. Mercola, Joseph (2015). Number of Children Lacking Vitamin D Soars. Retrieved from: